WOW: Improve the Graphics of World of Warcraft Easily

Give World of Warcraft a new Look. Improve grass particles and other textures.

This will overall improve the look of World of Warcraft. Please note that you will need a more mid-grade computer to take advantage of this without having major frame drops.

So here is what to do:
1 Make a macro and type this:

Improved Settings:
/console groundEffectDensity 256
/console groundEffectDist 200
/console detailDoodadAlpha 100
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console farclip 999
/console characterAmbient

Then move this macro to a action bar,and press it.
Now you have better graphics.

If for some reason you need the default settings,such your pc can't handle the new settings, use this macro:

Revert Macro:
/console groundEffectDensity 16
/console groundEffectDist 1
/console horizonfarclip 1305
/console farclip 177
/console characterAmbient 1
/console smallcull 1
/console skycloudlod 1
/console detailDoodadAlpha 1